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9. SABBEEN GROUP - Sabbioneta, Italy

Role in the application
Promoter (PROM)
Promoter’s legal name (national language)
Sabbeen Group
Sabbioneta – Mantova

"Sabbeen Group took existence 8 months ago in Sabbioneta (Mantova) at the initiative of an experienced youth worker, by various nonformal education workshops and coordination and  participantion to Youth in Action projects in collaboration with the local municipality. We have already participated in a 1.1 Youth Exchange in Denmark - "Beat Poverty" and a 4.3 in UK "Youth and a World Beyond Difference" treating issues like marginalization and discrimination. Also, some of our members have participated in local/national training courses on project management, non-formal education tools and methods and recognition. 
We are a group of 19 people, with ages between 13 and 30 years, some with experience or links in the sectors of youthwork and nonformal education. We work together to create a proper environment to cultivate and preserve social and cultural values and life skills through nonformal education methods (Forum Theatre, Photovoice and other) and projects. We work together in close relationship with the local municipality and with other local ngo's oriented on other fields of activity, trying to supplement to lack of youth oriented activities within the area. We are a relatively new group, but we are aiming to establish ourselves as an youth organization in order to fully develop in optimal parameters our activities."

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